Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
It is better for all the world if, instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.<br/>Three generations of imbeciles are enough. - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Obama Bows

Obama bows down to foreign leaders and pagan priests which is disrespectful of what the United States stands for.

Obama Bows
Obama Celebrates The Hindu Holiday Diwali
Started 2009-10-14Ended 2009-10-14
After giving a speech about the history of Diwali (Festival of Lights) and interfaith propaganda Obama lights a holy Hindu oil lamp while listening to a Hindu prayer. Then he bows to the priest - at least the priest bows back.
Obama’s Repetitive And Subservient Bows To Japanese Emperor And His Wife
Started 2009-11-14Ended 2009-11-14
When meeting with the emperor of Japan Obama bows low to him and his wife. This bow is a super subservient bow - to prostrate him self any further would have been to grovel at the emperor’s feet. Not only does he bow low he repeatedly bows to both of them - so much that the emperor’s wife looks uncomfortable.
Obama Bows To Islamic King Abdullah
Started 2009-04-02Ended 2009-04-02
In a meeting with king Abdulla of Saudi Arabia Obama gives a subservient bow to the king. Saudi Arabia was the country of origin of most of the 911 hijackers, and there is evidence that they were also funded by royalty there.
Obama Bows To The Queen Of England
Started 2009-04-01Ended 2009-04-01
In a meeting with Queen Elizabeth II of England Obama gives a slight head bow to the Queen and her husband prince Philip. Michelle Obama having more respect for herself and her nation does not bow.
Press Secretary Gibbs Lies About Obama’s Bow To Saudi King Abdullah
Started 2009-04-09Ended 2009-04-09
CNN reporter Dan Lothian asks Gibbs if Obama bowed down to Saudi king Abdullah or not claiming “we took a look at the video, it does appear that the president actually bowed”. Gibbs lying response was that no Obama did not bow, and then he gave the red herring that no one cares because this because of the economy.
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