Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
In consequence, the sect of Freemasons grew with a rapidity beyond conception in the course of a century and a half, until it came to be able, by means of fraud or of audacity, to gain such entrance into every rank of the State as to seem to be almost its ruling power. - Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci

Eleanor Smith

Mother of American Medical Association founder Nathan Smith.<br /> <br /> In a speech given October 5th, 1901 Nathan Smith said "At the age of seven years, as a boy who had never been outside of his father’s farm, born in a log house, and when still in a log house, I was called to the bedside of my dying mother to receive her last words. I was the youngest of a family of seven children; I was in my seventh year. It made a vivid impression upon my mind. She was a Christian - a reader of the Bible. She said to me that she wished me to be a good boy, to learn to worship God and to do good to my fellowmen."

Eleanor Smith
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