Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
Let's look at Northern California. - it isn't just not in the ratty part of town, but the upper class in San Francisco is that way. Now, bohemian Grove that I attend from time to time - is the most faggy God-damned thing you could ever imagine. that San Francisco crowd that goes in there - it's just terrible. I mean, I won't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco. - Richard Milhous Nixon

Mike J. Sullivan

Was U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts, and former Acting Director of the ATF.

Mike J. Sullivan
Birth 1954-10-03
Former Acting Director Mike Sullivan Repeats Claims Of Possible Undetonated Bombs
Started 2013-04-16 07:50Ended 2013-04-16 07:50
While talking to interviewers on CNN Mike Sullivan repeats the claims about two undetonated bombs that may have been found.

"you obviously have two that were detonated, and two others that may have been secured" - Sullivan

"what does that does the number of devices tell you? you know two that went off probably two others that didn’t go off so you’re talking about four maybe more now, what does that say?" - CNN interviewer

Also interesting is the "BREAKING NEWS" at the bottom of the screen stating "Mass. lawmaker says 2 unexploded devices found"
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