Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
Lucifer is evil, but he is a necessary evil. Without Lucifer’s intervention, proto-humanity would not have evolved beyond a vegetative form of life. As a result of Lucifer’s intervention in history we are animated, both in the sense that we can move about the surface of the planet and also in the sense that we are moved by desire. An animal has conscious awareness of itself as a distinct entity that is denied to plants. - Mark Booth

John Russell

British Politician.

John Russell
Birth 1792-08-18Death 1878-05-28


the United Kingdom - Prime Minister
Initiated 1846-06-30Retired 1852-02-21
the United Kingdom - Prime Minister
Initiated 1865-10-29Retired 1866-06-26
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