Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
The terrorists only have to be right once, and we have to be right 100% of the time. That’s an unfair fight. I do think terrorist efforts have been weakened. The organization that did 9/11 — that Al Qaeda — I don’t think really exists, but it’s still dangerous because it’s more atomized — small groups of terrorists who one day probably will get lucky. - Condoleezza Rice

Felix Rogin

Jewish Rabbi. Also founder and director of the Temple Mount Center in Israel.

Felix Rogin
unknown date
The Jesus written about in the new testament is sort of a collage, many many of the miracles and the details of his life - the kind of things he would put on his curriculum vitae or resume - these are repeat stories. Whether there was in fact a historical Jesus or not - our sources indicate that he was a witch or a sorcerer and a guy that had his eyes on the ladies, and not the greatest guy in the world, and we don’t think he’s coming back.


Temple Mount Center - Founder and Director
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