Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
Lenin had the almost unique privilege of actually constructing his Utopia in a great and powerful State; he was the nearest approach known to history to Plato's philosopher king. The fact that the result is unsatisfactory is, I think, mainly due to intellectual errors on the part of Marx and Lenin--errors which remain intellectual although they have emotional source in the dictatorial character of the two men. - Bertrand Russell

Michael Walsh

Catholic/Jesuit author that has exposed Opus Dei.

Michael Walsh
unknown date
Those who are promoting the “cause” of the would-be saint have to be able to demonstrate that he or she is already prayed to, regarded as a saint, is asked for cures of sickness or help in difficulties, and that miracles have been worked through the potential saint’s intercession.


Jesuits - Member
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