Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
brother Joseph B. Nobles once told a Methodist priest, after hearing him describe his god, that the god they worshipped was the "Mormons'" Devil-a being without a body, whereas our God has a body, parts, and passions. The Devil was cursed and sent down from heaven. He has no body of his own; therefore he is constantly endeavouring to obtain possession of the tabernacles belonging to others. Some have grumbled because I believe our God to be so near to us as Father Adam. There are many who know that doctrine to be true. - Brigham Young

United Flight 93 Delayed Over 40 Minutes Prior To Take Off

Flight 93 was held up for over 40 minutes past the scheduled flight time. As of the 20th of September United Airlines spokesman Andy Plews stated “We haven’t looked into why it was delayed”. The LA Times said the only excuse he would give was that New York airports are “prone to delays”. It would seem that it would be important to see why the plane was delayed if it was hijacked and destroyed an hour and a half after take off.

United Flight 93 Delayed Over 40 Minutes Prior To Take Off
Started 2001-09-11 08Ended 2001-09-11 08:42
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