Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
Through State Life Insurance, the whole population might be brought under government medical supervision. By periodical examinations the early beginnings of chronic diseases might be detected and thus arrested by timely instruction in regard to necessary changes in habits or occupations and every such case would be come an object lesson by means of which relatives and friends should be influenced to adopt preventives in time to avoid the same maladies. - John Harvey Kellogg

George Bush Gives Authorization To Shoot Down Hijacked Passenger Planes

Some time between United Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon, and United flight 93 crashing in Pennsylvania then President George Bush gives the order to shoot down hijacked passenger airliners.

George Bush Gives Authorization To Shoot Down Hijacked Passenger Planes
Started 2001-09-11 09:40Ended 2001-09-11 10
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