Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
The camp [Bohemian Grove] is a saturnalia of juvenilia, with a lot of old white rich guys running around naked and in sheets, costumed as Druids. They drink dawn-to-dusk gin fizzes, relieve themselves on redwoods and put on theatricals where they dress up like women. - Maureen Dowd

911 Commission

911 Commission The commission setup by the government to investigate the 911 terrorist attacks. This commission was setup after 18 months of lobbing on the part of some of the founders of the “Family Steering Committee” to answer unsolved questions regarding the attacks.

911 Commission
Founded 2002-11-27Desolved 2004-08-21
Families Of 911 Victims Declare 911 Commission A Failure
Started 2005-07-21Ended 2005-07-21
Family members of those murdered in the attacks of September 11th 2001 declare the 9/11 Commission a "Failure". The Commission was setup in response to questions and lobbying of the family members, but the commission did not touch on approximately 70% of the families concerns.

The families also challenge what they call the "Mainstream Media’s Disregard" for truth, and the failure of the press to question the commission on the important issues that were raised, but ignored by the Commission..
911 Commission Created With Paltry 3 Million Dollar Budget
Started 2002-11-27Ended 2002-11-27
911 Commission Created With 3 Million Dollar Budget
In Public Law 107-306 of the 107th Congress the 911 Commission is created, but only alloted with a three million dollar budget.

This amount can be compared to the 30 million Ken Starr spent on the Bill Clinton sex scandal in which no one died, and did not lead the United States into multiple wars in the middle east.
911 Commission Given An Additional 1 Million Dollars
Started 2004-01-20Ended 2004-01-20
In Public Law 108-207 the 911 Commission was given an additional one million dollars in funding brining the total to fifteen million.
11 Million Dollars Appropriated To 911 Commission.
In addition to the original three million dollars given to the 911 Commission eleven more was given brining the total to fourteen million.

[transpired sometime between 2002 and 2003, source does not specify date]
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