Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
A bullet fired by a policeman is a bullet that belongs to me. And if you say that is murder, then I am the murderer. I know of only two types of people: those with us, and those against us. - Adolf Hitler

Brian Ross

News writer for ABC news.

Brian Ross
ABC News Posts False Claim Batman Shooter Was Member Of Tea Party
Started 2012-07-20Ended 2012-07-20
In standard fashion of an anti-gun, anti-American news agency ABC news publishes an report by Brian Ross that states that the Batman shooter was a Jim Holmes whom was a member of the Tea Party. The agency later retracts the story and apologizes for "disseminating that information before it was properly vetted". Unfortunately the damage has already been done.

This is becoming standard operation when a there is a mass murder. The media claim that the shooter is a right wing Christian member of the Tea Party. Then when the truth comes out the shooter usually turns out to be a left wing socialist.


American Broadcasting Company - Writer
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