Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
In all the ancient religions, the being who guides the human spirit through the underworld and helps negotiate the way past the guardian demons is the god of the planet Mercury. But the initiates of the Mystery schools kept an even stranger secret. Halfway on the journey through the spheres, there is a swap. The task of guiding the human spirit upwards is taken over by a great being whose identity may perhaps be a surprise. in the latter part of the spirit’s ascent through the heavenly spheres, the guide who lights the way is Lucifer. - Mark Booth

Andrew Jackson

Seventh President of the United States, and Freemason. He also ended the 2nd central bank of the United States.

Andrew Jackson
Birth 1767-03-15Death 1845-06-08


Freemasonry - Grand Master
Grand Master of Masons in Tennessee.
Freemasonry - Member
Member of Harmony Lodge No. 1, Nashville, Tennessee, an Honorary Member of Federal Lodge No. 1 F & A M in Washington, D.C. and Jackson Lodge No. 1, F & AM, Tallahassee, Florida.
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