Gerald Rudolph Ford
Birth 1913-07-14Death 2006-12-26

Father | Unknown |
Mother | Unknown |
unknown date
It is apparent to me that the Supreme Architect has set out the duties each of us has to perform, and I have trusted in His will with the knowledge that my trust is well-founded.
United States Executive Branch - 38th President
Initiated 1974-08-09Retired 1977-01-20
Freemasonry - Member
Initiated 1949-09-30Retired 1974-08-09
Malta Lodge No. 465, Grand Rapids, Michigan. His brothers were also initiated with him.
Freemasonry - Fellowcraft
Initiated 1951-04-20Retired 1951-05-18
Columbia Lodge No. 3, Washington, D.C.
Freemasonry - Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33°
Initiated 1962-09-26
And Honorary Member, Supreme council A.A.S.R. Northern Jurisdiction at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia.