Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
Those who follow the path of faith or the heart, use water, and are known as the Sons of Seth, While <strong>those who follow the path of the mind and action are the Children of Cain, who was the son of Samael [Devil/Satan/Lucifer], the Spirit of Fire. Today we find the latter among the alchemists, the hermetic philosophers, the Rosicrucians, and the Freemasons.</strong> - Manly Palmer Hall

Jacques De Molay

Grand Master of the Order of the Knights Templar that was burned at the stake when the order was suppressed in France.

Jacques De Molay
Death 1314-03-18
Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay Burnt At The Stake
Started 1314-03-18Ended 1314-03-18
Jacques de Molay made confessions under torture that he later recanted. When he did this King Philip had him burnt to death.

According to legend de Molay said that Pope Clement V and King Philip would have to give an account to God with in a year. Clement died a month later, and Philip died that November during a hunting expedition.


Order of the Knights Templar - Grand Master
Retired 1314-03-18
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