Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
Render every male sterile who passes its portals, whether it be an almshouse, insane asylum, institute for the feeble minded, reformatory or prison. - Harry Clay Sharp

John Davison Rockefeller

Founder of Standard Oil Company, Father of John D Rockefeller Jr., and grandfather of David Rockefeller.
John Davison Rockefeller
Birth 1839-07-08Death 1937-05-23
unknown date
Competition is a sin.
John D. Rockefeller Donates $35 Million to Rockefeller Foundation
This is the initial 35 million dollar gift to the Rockefeller Foundation.
John D. Rockefeller Donates $65 Million to Rockefeller Foundation.
Almost double the initial gift, Rockefeller gives an additional $65 million dollars to the Rockefeller Foundation.


Rockefeller Foundation - Founder
Initiated 1913-04-24Retired 1913-04-24
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