Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
At every period of time each has been in conflict with the other, with a variety and multiplicity of weapons and of warfare, although not always with equal ardor and assault. At this period, however, the partisans of evil seems to be combining together, and to be struggling with united vehemence, led on or assisted by that strongly organized and widespread association called the Freemasons. No longer making any secret of their purposes, they are now boldly rising up against God Himself. They are planning the destruction of holy Church publicly and openly, and this with the set purpose of utterly despoiling the nations of Christendom, if it were possible, of the blessings obtained for us through Jesus Christ our Savior. - Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci

Walter Cronkite

Anchorman for the CBS nightly news, and avid globalist.

Walter Cronkite
Birth 1916-11-04Death 2009-07-17
Pat Robertson has written in a book a few years ago that we should have a world government, but only when the Messiah arrives. He wrote, literally, any attempt to achieve world order before that time must be the work of the Devil. Well join me - I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.
Democratic World Federalists Post False Transcript Of Walter Cronkite’s Right Hand Of Satan Comment
Started 1999-10-19
Posted on the Democratic World Federalists official website ( they have what they call “A transcript of his acceptance speech”, but the right hand of satan comment was replaced with the following: “Their leader, Pat Robertson, has written that we should have a world government but only when the messiah arrives. Attempts for world order before that time are the work of the Devil! This small but well-organized group has intimidated both the Republican Party and the Clinton administration. It has attacked presidents since F.D.R. for supporting the U.N. Robertson explains that these presidents are the unwitting agents of Lucifer.” when what he really said was: “Pat Robertson has written in a book a few years ago that we should have a world government, but only when the Messiah arrives. He wrote, literally, any attempt to achieve world order before that time must be the work of the Devil. Well join me - I’m glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.”
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