Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
My comment about the machines winning the war is partly a joke, but we’ve accidentally already put so much in place that we can’t get rid of from our lives. Once we have machines doing our high-level thinking, there’s so little need for ourselves and you can’t ever undo it - you can never turn them off.<br /> - Stephen Gary Wozniak

Joseph Bonsuk

FBI employee under investigation for possession of child pornography. He works as what he says is a program analyst in FBI management.

Joseph Bonsuk
FBI Manager Receives Child Porn From Felon
Started 2009-03-13
Joseph Bonsuk receives 78 images of child porn from a convicted child predator. When he sees what is in the file he replies back saying “I don`t want kiddie porn scary.” in which Ronald Norweathers responds “well duh pick through for the teen stuff I sent how it came to me.”. Bonsuk failed to report even though he works for the FBI maybe this was because he was still wanted child pornography but just not that young. Kathy Wright a spokesperson for the FBI refused to give any information about Bonsuk’s job title.
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