Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
The affirmative task we have now is to actually create a <strong>New World Order</strong>, because the global order is changing again, and the institutions and the rules that worked so well in the post world war II era for decades need to be strengthened and some have to be changed. - Joseph Biden

Konrad Hermann Joseph Adenauer

Catholic politician before and after the Nazis came to power, he was continually captured and freed during Nazi rule.

Konrad Hermann Joseph Adenauer
Birth 1876-01-05Death 1967-04-19
Konrad Adenauer Arrested By Gestapo During Night of the Long Knives
Started 1934-06-30Ended 1934-07-01
Adenauer was a neighbor of Kurt von Schleicher. He was in his yard when the SS went into von Schleicher’s home and murdered him. The Gestapo invaded Adenauer’s property and arrested him because he was a witness to gun shots fired in the von Schleicher’s household. He was released two days later when he began living in hiding until arrested later by the Nazis.
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