Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and the ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of the sheep against the practice of eating mutton. - Bertrand Russell

Julius Brodnitz

German-Jewish activist.

Julius Brodnitz
Göring Summons Top Jewish Leaders To Stop Boycott
Started 1933-03-24Ended 1933-03-24
Göring summoned the top three German-Jewish leaders after seeing the impact of the Jewish led boycott. The boycott was launched in protest against treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany.

-Julius Brodnitz of the Central Verein
-Max Naumann of the Union of National German Jews
-Heinrich Stahl of the Berlin Jewish Community.
Göring Meets With Top German-Jew Activists
Started 1933-03-25Ended 1933-03-25
Göring had summoned the top three Jewish leaders (Julius Brodnitz, Max Naumann, and Heinrich Stahl) to a meeting about the Jewish led boycott against Germany. A couple of the Zionist groups had caught wind of the meeting - wanting their their Zionist views to be represented too they went uninvited. The only Zionist allowed in the meeting was Zionist Kurt Blumenfeld of the German Zionist Federation. After being formally introduced to Göring the Jewish leaders were then yelled at by Göring. He claims that they were spreading lies about Jews being attacked by Nazi forces, and they needed to stop the foreign Jews boycotting Germany. In response to Göring saying there were no crimes being committed against the Jews Naumann gives Göring a laundry list of what the Nazis had been doing to the Jews, and he even produced a newspaper clipping showing Nazis forcing Jews to scrub streets with a brushes. While the other three Jewish leaders said there was nothing that they could really do to stop the protest in foreign countries Blumenfeld cut into the conversation and stated that he could easy communicate with the foreign Jewish groups which pleased Göring.


Central Verein - Board
Central Verein - President
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