Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
The destructive impact of Western Civilization upon so many other societies rests on its ability to demoralize their ideological and spiritual culture as much as its ability to destroy them in a material sense with firearms. - Carroll Quigley

Kent Gaylord Conrad

Career politician.

Kent Gaylord Conrad
Birth 1948-03-12
Kent Conrad’s Ties To Angelo Mozilo And The Countrywide Loan Scandal
Kent Conrad on the advise of James Johnson called Angelo Mozilo to receive a loan for $1,070,000 at well below normal loan rates and fees. He did this a second time a few weeks later, and received a second loan for $96,000,00.
Kent Conrad Denies Contacting Angelo Mozilo
Started 2008-05-12Ended 2008-05-12
Conrad clams: “I never met Angelo Mozilo” and “I have no way of knowing how they categorized my loan. I never asked for, expected or was aware of any special treatment. From what we have been able to determine, it appears that we were given a competitive rate”
Revealed That Kent Conrad Did Call Angelo Mozilo
Started 2008-06-17Ended 2008-06-17
Kent Conrad outed that he did in fact call Angelo Mozilo just prior to receiving his discounted loan even though he claimed previously that he had never met him.
Senate Ethics Panel Clear Chris Dodd And Kent Conrad
Started 2009-08-07Ended 2009-08-07
Despite both of them lying about details of the loans they received both Dodd and Conrad are cleared by the Senate ethics committee. The AP article states that the committee says that in the future the seniors should “avoid the appearance of sweetheart deals”.
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