Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
In working for Palestine, I would even ally myself with the devil. - Yevgenyevich Vladimir Jabotinsky

Charles Joseph Scarborough

News show host and chicken hawk.

Charles Joseph Scarborough
Birth 1963-04-09
Ashleigh Banfield Speaks Out Against Cable News Iraq War Coverage
Started 2003-04-29Ended 2003-04-29
In a speech at Kansas State University Banfield speaks out on how the cable news networks coverage of the Iraq and Afghan war is “sanitized” and one sided. The comment that probably got her in the most trouble was when she said “some cable news operators wrap themselves in the American flag and patriotism and go after a certain target demographic”. This comment at a time when MSNBC was trying to re-brand it’s self by firing the anti-war Phil Donahue and replacing him with chicken hawks like Joe Scarborough and Mike Savage in an attempt to catch up on viewer ship of Fox News.
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