Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
Those who follow the path of faith or the heart, use water, and are known as the Sons of Seth, While <strong>those who follow the path of the mind and action are the Children of Cain, who was the son of Samael [Devil/Satan/Lucifer], the Spirit of Fire. Today we find the latter among the alchemists, the hermetic philosophers, the Rosicrucians, and the Freemasons.</strong> - Manly Palmer Hall

J. George Fredman

Member of the Jewish War Veterans, one of the leaders of the boycott against the Nazis.

J. George Fredman
Adler Sends Letters To Jewish War Veterans Stating They Caused Anti-Jewish Boycott In Germany
Started 1933-04-06Ended 1933-04-06
Adler sends a letter to the Jewish War Veterans stating that they boycott they started “furnished a pretext for the German boycott” against the Jews.

In response JWV member George Fredman rebuked Adler and the American Jewish Committee stating that the JWV was the only group to combat German atrocities correctly - an attack on the AJC.

On the 16th Adler replies back stating that he and the AJC had been “acting in accordance with the wishes of leading Jews in Germany”. By this date Adler had received multiple confirmations that his “leading Jews” were either lying because of the Zionist agenda or were under duress.
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