Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
The existence of a conspiracy for the destruction of the Western world as the prelude for shepherding mankind into a sheep’s pen as a prelude to One World tyranny. - Arthur Kenneth Chesterton

Steven Paul Jobs

Buddhist Co-founder of Apple Computer. Died of cancer.

Steven Paul Jobs
Birth 1955-02-24Death 2011-10-05
Apple advertisement with Steve Jobs entitled “Bite that Apple” which parallels Lucifer enticing man to eat of the forbidden fruit.Apple advertisement with Steve Jobs entitled “Bite that Apple” which parallels Lucifer enticing man to eat of the forbidden fruit.
Apple Computer Launches “What In The Name Of Adam” Contest
Ended 1980-03-31
What is the best use of an apple since Lucifer used one in the garden of eden?What is the best use of an apple since Lucifer used one in the garden of eden?
In a hint of what the true meaning of Apple’s logo means they start a contest to write what you do with your apple computer. The advertisement states “We are looking for the most original use of an Apple since Adam” - praising Lucifer for what he did with an apple. The advertisement shows a young man portraying Adam sheepishly smiling while covering his nakedness with an Apple computer, while the serpent (Satan) hangs over his head.
Wozniak’s Two Stories For Apple 1’s $666.66 Price Tag
Wozniak on two separate occasions has insisted that the Apple 1’s initial price of $666.66 was just a coincidence, and that they did not even know the number 666 had religious implications being the mark of the beast. Unfortunately for Wozniak he cannot keep his story straight.

First version: in a “face to face” interview with Charles Turley, Turley asks the question “Why was the Apple 1, priced for sale at $666.66? surely it’s not something that has to do with the number of the beast or some such satanic meaning is it?”

Turley wrote Woz’s response: He laughed and told me that when he and Jobs came to an agreement on the retail sales price for the Apple 1 of $666.66 - he didn’t even realize that the 666 number was in any way related to Satan and it had nothing to do at all with the ’666’ number of the beast or anything pertaining to satanic stuff. He said: “I simply like triple digit numbers with all the things I’m involved with, the cost of making the Apple 1 was around $540 or there a bouts and we agreed on the best markup, retail price above the cost of building it, which worked out to $666. Jobs then tacked on the 66 cents to make it an eye-catcher price for the ads with the sale and promotion publications of it to the public.”

Second Version: In a QA posted on CNET Wozniak was asked why him and Steve Jobs decided to sell the Apple 1 for $666.66 his response was “I was into repeating digits, and then we came up - Steve worked a deal to sell his computers wholesale price to the store for $500 bucks. what should the retail be? add a third on. that puts it at about 667 plus its 666.66 because its all one digit, to me that's just an easier way to type. We didn’t - we didn’t know the number had religious significance, we found out.

The question: did they sell the computer to the store for $500? which would mean it cost less than $500 dollars to build? or did it cost them $540 to build as Woz states in the 1999 interview? Was the mark up a third of 500 bringing it to an even 666.66? or was it with a 19% markup and then Jobs had to add the 66 cents to come up with the final price?

Also the claim that they had no idea 666 had any significant meaning, despite the occult logo and advertising they came up with through the years is slightly absurd especially seeing that he was initiated into the Freemasons just a few years later in 1980.
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