Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
My comment about the machines winning the war is partly a joke, but we’ve accidentally already put so much in place that we can’t get rid of from our lives. Once we have machines doing our high-level thinking, there’s so little need for ourselves and you can’t ever undo it - you can never turn them off.<br /> - Stephen Gary Wozniak

Rose Mary Woods

Personal secretary of Richard Nixon during the majority of his political career.

Rose Mary Woods
Birth 1917-12-26Death 2005-01-22
Dwayne Andreas $100,000 Gift To Nixon
According to Rose Mary Woods (Nixon’s secretary) Richard Nixon received an unmarked envelope from Dwayne Andraes full of one hundred dollar bills totaling $100,000 dollars. Woods states that it stayed in Nixon’s vault until the investigation of the Watergate scandal at which time Nixon quickly gives the money back.
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