Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
humanity, by squirting and birthing all these teeming, filth-producing multitudes from out of itself, in the process also suffocates and defames its own culture - one in which individuals and communities have to spasmodically search for the "meaning of life" and create an identity for themselves through petty childish arguing. - Kaarlo Pentti Linkola

Peter Phillips

Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University.

Peter Phillips
unknown date
They [Bohemian Grove Members] are very clearly talking politics and business constantly.


Bohemian Grove - Attendee
According to Debra Saunders - Phillips was there to do a doctoral dissertation on the group. He told Saunders personally after the visit that he saw “ordinary rich guys” and “some very important people” and that “They’re very clearly talking politics and business constantly”.
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