Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
If the rest of the world should happen not to agree with us philosophically, then having a big trade area will be a great insurance policy for all these countries. And if we can prove that you can merge integrated economies and integrated democracies, then we’ll be more likely to build a global system of this kind. - William Jefferson Clinton

Bob Ott

FAA person working during the September 11th terrorist attacks.

Bob Ott
Air Traffic Controllers Record Events Of 911 Terrorist Attacks
Started 2001-09-11 12Ended 2001-09-11 13
While it was still fresh in their minds at least six air traffic controllers gathered together to recount and record their thoughts on the terrorist attacks of September 11th. These people were the ones actually involved monitoring and reporting on two of the hijacked planes just hours before.
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