Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
I went to one [snuff party], one time I seen some really bad shit .. I think they, They actually killed people there and stuff ... they pay up to a hundred thousand big ones to see people get... I’m not kidding. I went to another one where literally I saw like the grossest - I wanted to throw up - Ralph Rieckermann

Paul Dundes Wolfowitz

Career politician and globalist banker of Polish/Jewish decent.

Paul Dundes Wolfowitz
Birth 1943-12-22
FatherJacob Wolfowitz
Paul Wolfowitz: Pentagon Could Have Shot Down United 93
Started 2001-11-15Ended 2001-11-15
Then deputy defense secretary Paul Wolfowitz stated that the Pentagon was tracking United flight 93, and could have shot it down if it be came necessary.
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