Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
Eternal peace is a dream --and not even a beautiful one. War is part of God's world-order. Within it unfold the noblest virtues of men, courage and renunciation, loyalty to duty and readiness for sacrifice--at the hazzard of one's life. Without war the world would sink into a swamp of materialism. Further, I wholly agree with the principle stated in the preface that the gradual progress in morality must also be reflected in the waging of war. But I go farther and believe that [waging war] in and of itself--not a codification of the law of war--may attain this goal. - Helmuth Karl Bernhard Graf von Moltke

Heidi Toffler

Wife of Alvin Toffler, and fellow globalist.

Heidi Toffler
Newt Gingrich Writes Foreword To Globalist Book And Gives Copies To Every Member Of The House.
Gingrich writes foreword for New Age, Anti-Constitution book.Gingrich writes foreword for New Age, Anti-Constitution book.
The book “Creating a New Civilization” by Globalist Alvin Toffler and his wife Heidi was vehemently opposed to the United States as it stands under the Constitution. Yet Newt Gingrich loved the book so much not only did he write the foreword to it, but he also gave a free copy to every one of the 465 members of the House of Representatives.
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