Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
Let's look at Northern California. - it isn't just not in the ratty part of town, but the upper class in San Francisco is that way. Now, bohemian Grove that I attend from time to time - is the most faggy God-damned thing you could ever imagine. that San Francisco crowd that goes in there - it's just terrible. I mean, I won't shake hands with anybody from San Francisco. - Richard Milhous Nixon

Adolph Franz Friedrich Ludwing Von Knigge

Member of the Bavarian Illuminati and a Freemason.

Adolph Franz Friedrich Ludwing Von Knigge
Birth 1752-10-16Death 1796-05-06
Freemason Adolph giving the sign of the master of the second veil.Freemason Adolph giving the sign of the master of the second veil.
Philo Judaeus


Freemasonry - Member
Retired 1796-05-06
Lodge of the Crowned Lion (Zum gekrönten Löwen)
Freemasonry - Knight of the Rite of Strict Observances
Bavarian Illuminati - Member
Retired 1784-07-01
Over the few years of his service under the Illuminati Knigge had built up the member count somewhere between two and three thousand. He leaves the order over disputes with Weishaupt, including suspicions that Weishaupt was a Jesuit.
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