Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
Eternal peace is a dream --and not even a beautiful one. War is part of God's world-order. Within it unfold the noblest virtues of men, courage and renunciation, loyalty to duty and readiness for sacrifice--at the hazzard of one's life. Without war the world would sink into a swamp of materialism. Further, I wholly agree with the principle stated in the preface that the gradual progress in morality must also be reflected in the waging of war. But I go farther and believe that [waging war] in and of itself--not a codification of the law of war--may attain this goal. - Helmuth Karl Bernhard Graf von Moltke


Country in the center of Europe.



Adolf Hitler - Chancellor
Initiated 1933-01-30Retired 1945-04-30
Konstantin von Neurath - Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs
Heinrich Wolff - Palestine Consul-General
Heinrich Brüning - Chancellor
Initiated 1930-03-30Retired 1932-05-30
Franz von Papen - Chancellor
Initiated 1932-07-01Retired 1932-11-17
Kurt von Schleicher - Chancellor
Initiated 1932-12-02Retired 1933-01-28
Theo Niebel - Senior Medical Officer of Health
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