Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
If one can approach this collective thought-form with love, without fear, then one can go beyond this shadow and see the true angel of light [Lucifer] that is there seeking to bring light to man's inner world. - David Spangler

Die Grotte

Secret society founded by Mozart and friends. Have found conflicting reports stating:<br /> <br /> 1- he founded this group to expose the evils of the Illuminati controlled Freemasons of the day. He did this with play "the magic flute" which exposed the symbols and plans of the Illuminati.<br /> <br /> 2- Freemasonry was being pushed underground so he created his own secret society to get out from under the heat of persecution.

Die Grotte
The Grotto or Cave


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Founder
Retired 1791-12-05
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