Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
I’ve been an admirer of Aleister Crowley, I think that I am carrying on much of the work that he started over a hundred years ago, and I think the sixties themselves... you know Crowley said... he was in favor of finding your own self, and “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” - under love - it was a very powerful statement. I’m sorry he isn’t around to appreciate the glories he started. - Timothy Francis Leary

Skull and Bones

Yale secret society known for many of it’s members becoming high powered and influential after graduation.

Skull and Bones


George Herbert Walker Bush - Member
William Howard Taft - Member
Retired 1930-03-08
Prescott Sheldon Bush - Member
Retired 1972-10-08
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