Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
I’m a traditional person, and I’ve always thought of marriage as between a man and a woman, but I think this is something that the country is going to work out, and I suspect it will change in time because all of us who are fortunate enough to have really, really close friends — and some of my really, really close friends are gay — don’t want to see them discriminated against. ... whenever one senses that there is discrimination against some group of people, it behooves us as a country to look hard at what we’re doing. - Condoleezza Rice

Jacob Anton Von Hertel

Early member of the Illuminati. His code name was Marius.

Jacob Anton Von Hertel
Weishaupt’s Request To Rename Illuminati To “Order of the Bees”
Two years after the inception of the Illuminati Weishaupt wrote two other members code named Marius and Cato (Jacob Anton von Hertel, and Franz Xavier Zwack respectively) with a request to change the name of their secret society to the “Order of the Bees”. This change would have included the changing of all other secret keywords in the order to a bee theme (from the current roman style code words). The idea was soon after scraped.


Bavarian Illuminati - Member
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