Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
brother Joseph B. Nobles once told a Methodist priest, after hearing him describe his god, that the god they worshipped was the "Mormons'" Devil-a being without a body, whereas our God has a body, parts, and passions. The Devil was cursed and sent down from heaven. He has no body of his own; therefore he is constantly endeavouring to obtain possession of the tabernacles belonging to others. Some have grumbled because I believe our God to be so near to us as Father Adam. There are many who know that doctrine to be true. - Brigham Young

Jacob Anton Von Hertel

Early member of the Illuminati. His code name was Marius.

Jacob Anton Von Hertel
Weishaupt’s Request To Rename Illuminati To “Order of the Bees”
Two years after the inception of the Illuminati Weishaupt wrote two other members code named Marius and Cato (Jacob Anton von Hertel, and Franz Xavier Zwack respectively) with a request to change the name of their secret society to the “Order of the Bees”. This change would have included the changing of all other secret keywords in the order to a bee theme (from the current roman style code words). The idea was soon after scraped.


Bavarian Illuminati - Member
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