Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
I went through the most bombed-out city in the world [during WWII], Dresden. It was terrifying in its ugliness and filth, overstuffed to the point of suffocation - a smoke-filled, polluting nest where the first spontaneous impression was that another vaccination from the sky wouldn't do any harm. Who misses all those who died in the Second World War? Who misses the twenty million executed by Stalin? Who misses Hitler's six million Jews? - Kaarlo Pentti Linkola

David Gergen

5 term presidential advisor for Nixon, Ford, Reagan, H. W. Bush, and Clinton administrations.
David Gergen
Birth 1942-05-09
David Gergen Gets Angry When Alex Jones Asks About Bohemian Grove
Alex Jones finds David Gergen at the 2004 republican convention and asks him about Gergen’s quote about not running around naked at the Bohemian Grove, and the Cremation of Care. Gergen admits “I’ve been there” and gets upset over the questions, and the fact Jones crashed the grove and made a documentary about it.


Bohemian Grove - Member
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