Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
After 1989 President Bush -kept - said - a phrase I often use my self that we needed a new world order, and instead it looks like we have a lot of disorder. - William Jefferson Clinton

Nathan Smith Davis

Founder of the American Medical Association. April 1834 - at 17 years of age Nathan began medical apprentiship under Dr. Daniel Clark of Chenango County, New York. - pg 17 Life of Nathan Smith Davis. He did his thesis on "Animal Tempature" in which he argued against current concepts of how the animal heart evolved. He was an evolutionist. - pg 18 Life of Nathan Smith Davis. Davis was a 'dyed in the wool' democrat. - pg 23 Life of Nathan Smith Davis
Nathan Smith Davis
Birth 1817-01-09Death 1904-06-16
FatherDow Davis
MotherEleanor Smith
Dr. Isaac Newton Danforth Hypocrite: OK For Us To Only Have 3 Years Of School - Everyone Else Needs Way More
In the book "Life of Nathan Smith Davis" Danforth mocks the idea that a someone could become a doctor after only going through 3 years of collage while under an apprenticeship of established doctor. Yet then hails Nathan Smith Davis for doing such a thing - Davis spent the majority of his life (through the American Medical Association) trying to close the very hole that Himself, Danforth, and many others were able to get into the medical field.

Quote from Danforth in the book Life of Nathan Smith Davis - "In the month of April, 1834, when he was only seventeen years old, Nathan Smith Davis commenced the study of medicine under the preceptorship of Dr. Daniel Clark, of Chenaugo County, New York, and ’worked’ for his board. It would be hardly possible to make a more drastic commentary on the system of medical education as it was carried on seventy years ago than the simple statement of the above fact. A youth seventeen years old, with practically no previous preparatory training, is allowed to enroll himself as a medical student, complete the required course in less than three years, and assume the highest responsibilities in the reach of man, while he is yet a beardless youth; and in the present case such was the literal fact, for young Davis graduated from the ’College of Physicians and Surgeons of Western New York’ in January, 1837, ’with distinguished honor’ says one of his eulogists. Between the date of his registration as a medical student under Dr. Clark, his preceptor, and his graduation ’with distinguished honor’ there was a period of two years and nine months, and at his graduation he was just twenty years old; in other words, and ’infant’ in the eyes of the law. Yet the ’College of Physicians and Surgeons of Western New York’ - a school which perished of inanition long ago - never did a greater or worthier thing than when it created Nathan Smith Davis a doctor of medicine, and the 31st of January, 1837, provided to be an epoch-making day in the history of American medicine. ... Many eminent men occupied its professorships, and many eminent men received its diplomas."
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