Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
Render every male sterile who passes its portals, whether it be an almshouse, insane asylum, institute for the feeble minded, reformatory or prison. - Harry Clay Sharp

Charles Robert Darwin

Creator of the theory of evolution, which was quickly turned into eugenics.

Charles Robert Darwin
Birth 1809-02-12Death 1882-04-19
Darwin and Galton Attend Séance.
Along with many other prominent thinkers of the time Darwin and Frances Galton (founder of eugenics) attend a Séance. Many people hold Darwin up as on of the fathers of current day science, yet around 15 years after Darwin publishes origin of the species he would publicly attend with a group of men trying to talk to dead people. One article does state that Darwin said it was ’all imposture’, yet the quote is very brief.

Other attendees: Author George Eliot, philologist F. W. H. Myers (who was so enthused by this experience he founded the Society of Psychical Research a few years later).
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