Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
For more than three thousand years, secret societies have labored to create the background of knowledge necessary to the establishment of an enlightened democracy among the nations of the world. ... Secret societies still exist, and regardless of the intemperance of the times, they will continue to flourish until the Quest is complete. - Manly Palmer Hall

Nawaf Alhazmi

911 hijacker of American Airlines Flight 77.

Nawaf Alhazmi
FBI Informant Lived With 2 Of The 911 Hijackers
911 hijackers Khalid Almihdhar, and Nawaf Alhazmi lived with a FBI informant while they took flight lessons from a San Diego flight school. The undercover asset whom was also a Muslim often prayed with them and helped one of them open a bank account. While on the phone with the FBI the informant stated that he could not talk because Khalid was in the room. If the informant was oblivious to the hijackers true nature why would he state one by name when saying he could not talk to FBI?
Nawaf Alhazmi Attends Al Qaeda Meeting In Malaysia Under CIA Surveillance
CIA tracked Alhazmi from a Al Qaeda meeting in the Malaysian city of Kuala Lumpur back to the Los Angeles, California. This meeting was with Fahad al-Quso who was a suspect of the USS Cole bombing, and Riduan Isamuddin a suspect in the Bojinka plot. On his flight back to the US he flew with another 911 hijacker Khalid Almihdhar. The CIA did nothing with this information knowing that Alhazmi conversing with a known Al Qaeda terrorist, and allowed him free reign in the United States. This report is contradicted by George Tenet’s Testimony before a joint inquiry into terrorist attacks where he stated that the CIA knew about Nawaf & Khalid in late 1999. They began surveillance and claim to only know Khalid’s full identity in early 2000 just before the Malaysia meeting, and Nawaf’s identity after the meeting.
Nawaf Alhazmi Is Pulled Over In Oklahoma For Speeding
Started 2001-04-01Ended 2001-04-01
Alhazmi was pulled over in Oklahoma for speeding and given a ticket for one hundred and thirty eight dollars. He was let go because the CIA had not released information that he had ties to known Al Qaeda.
CIA Finally Reports Two Al Qaeda Terrorists Roaming United States
Started 2001-08-23Ended 2001-09-11
After repeated warnings that Al Qaeda was going to strike the United States the CIA tells the State Department, Customs, INS, and the FBI that Nawaf Alhazmi, and Khalid Almihdhar were suspected terrorists and within the United States.

In George Tenet’s testimony before the joint inquiry into the 9/11 terrorist attacks he states “CIA sent a Central Intelligence Report to the Department of State, FBI, INS, and other US Government agencies requesting that al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar be entered into VISA/VIPER, TIPOFF, and TECS [Treasury Enforcement Communication System]. The message said that CIA recommends that the two men be watchlisted immediately and denied entry into the US”. At this point the CIA already knew they were inside the US

Despite this they were still able to hijack flight 77.
FBI Probe Into Saudi Royalty Funding 911 Hijackers.
Omar Al Bayoumi a Saudi attending school in San Diego began receiving payments of three thousand five hundred dollars a month from Princess Haifa Al-Faisal. When Omar left the United States in July 2001 the payments were transfered to Osama Basnan.

These men were friends the hijackers Khalid Almidhar and Nawaf Alhazmi. Media reports state that the two students were funneling the money to the hijackers. The payments made to the students started just after the two hijackers entered the United States.

After the terrorist attacks Basnan also left the United States so that neither of the students were ever interrogated yet the FBI states that the two students had no links to the attacks.
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