Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
If we could remove the drag of the mediocre element in ancestry, were it only for a few generations, we should sensibly eliminate regression or create a stock of exceptional men. This is precisely what is done by the breeder in selecting and isolating a stock until it is established. - Carl Pearson

Ronald Wilson Reagan

Actor and former president.

Ronald Wilson Reagan
Birth 1911-02-06Death 2004-06-05
William Wilson’s Secret Trip To Libya
While Libya was under a travel ban imposed by Ronald Regan - William Wilson traveled there and met with Muammar Qaddafi. To which Qaddafi was quoted saying “an American diplomat had been sent to reduce tensions with Libya”.


United States Executive Branch - 40st President
Initiated 1981-01-20Retired 1989-01-20
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