Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
If we could remove the drag of the mediocre element in ancestry, were it only for a few generations, we should sensibly eliminate regression or create a stock of exceptional men. This is precisely what is done by the breeder in selecting and isolating a stock until it is established. - Carl Pearson

Muammar Qaddafi

Dictator Colonel of Libya

Muammar Qaddafi
Birth 1942-06-07
Brennan Claims Qaddafi Is Going To Hit “International Community” With Terror Attack
Started 2011-03-18Ended 2011-03-18
Using the same propaganda lies used to demonize Saddam Husein with make believe weapons of mass destruction in Iraq - Brennan stats Qaddafi may unleash mustard gas on the “international community”.

Per the New Yorks Times - to prevent this from happening the Obama administration will be stepping up “eavesdropping, spy satellite coverage and more informants on the ground”. They do not specify if that will be here in the United States, or in Libya.

Brennan also insinuates that Qaddafi may join with Al-Qaeda even though Qaddafi is saying the rebels he is fighting against is Al-Qaeda.
Anti-Qaddafi Rebel Leader: I Recruted Al-Qaeda
Started 2011-03-25Ended 2011-03-25
Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi in an interview with an Italian newspaper called II Sole 24 Ore he states that he has recruited Al-Qaeda members to fight Qaddafi.

He also states that “members of Al-Qaeda are also good Muslims and are fighting against the invader” - namely the United States.

Al-Hasidi him self fought against American troops in Afghanistan and was a United States prisoner of war between 2002 and 2008.

Despite all of this Obama is backing the rebels with the no-fly zone and bombing raids.
William Wilson’s Secret Trip To Libya
While Libya was under a travel ban imposed by Ronald Regan - William Wilson traveled there and met with Muammar Qaddafi. To which Qaddafi was quoted saying “an American diplomat had been sent to reduce tensions with Libya”.
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