Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
vocational training is training for work or labor; it is specialized rather than general; it is for an extrinsic end; and ultimately it is the education of slaves or workers. And from my point of view it makes no difference whether you say slaves or workers, for you mean that the worker is a man who does nothing but work -- a state of affairs which has obtained, by the way, during the whole industrial period, from its beginning almost to our day. - Mortimer Jerome Adler

Michael Lippert

Nazi SS Officer

Michael Lippert
Birth 1897-04-24Death 1969-09-01
Ernst Rohm Shot In His Prison Cell
Started 1934-07-01Ended 1934-07-01
Rohm was kept in his cell at Stadelheim prison for a couple of days after the initial arrest. Finally on July 1st a gun with a single bullet was placed in his cell and he was told he had ten minutes to shoot himself before the guards did it for him - to which he replied that if Hitler wanted him dead he could come and shoot him himself.
After the alloted time was up Michael Lippert and Theodor Eicke returned to the cell where they unloaded their revolvers into Rohm whom was standing bear-chested in defiance.
Sepp Dietrich and Michael Lippert Trial For Night of Long Knives Murders
Started 1957-05-07Ended 1957-05-14
After being released after serving ten years of a life sentence Dietrich was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to eighteen months along with Michael Lippert. Dietrich only served six months of the sentence.
Sepp Dietrich and Michael Lippert Arrested For Night of the Long Knives Murderes
The postwar government of Germany was not happy about the early release of Dietrich. So they decided to arrest the pair and put them on trial for the murders they helped commit the weekend of operation Hummingbird.
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