Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
[Talking about international bankers] looking backward toward the period of dynastic monarchy in which they had their own roots, aspired to establish dynasties of international bankers and were at least as successful at this as were many of the dynastic political rulers. The greatest of these dynasties, of course, were the descendants of Meyer Amschel Rothschild of Frankfort, whose male descendants, for at least two generations, generally married first cousins or even nieces. - Carroll Quigley

Ernst Rohm

Homosexual leader of the Nazi SA Brownshirts.

Ernst Rohm
Birth 1887-11-28Death 1934-07-02
Ernst Rohm Arrested By Hitler
Started 1934-06-30Ended 1934-06-30
In the early morning SA leader Ernst Rohm was arrested by Hitler as part of Operation Hummingbird. Hitler had told Rohm to arrange a gathering of the top SA members for a dinner that night, but instead Hitler showed up early that morning while they were still in their hotel beds and arrested them.
Göring Announces Rohm Lead Uprising Put Down
Started 1934-06-30Ended 1934-06-30
The afternoon after the Night of the Long Knives murders had began Göring held a press conference where he stated that the uprising against the German government led by SA leader Ernst Rohm was put down.

He also announced that Kurt von Schleicher was part of the coup and was shot when he resisted arrest which was a lie (they also shot von Schleicher’s wife who was a witness).
Rohm’s Gay Friend Karl Heimsoth Murdered
Started 1934-06-30Ended 1934-06-30
Nazis murdered Karl Heinsoth who was a homosexual friend of Rohm. They had exchanged homo-erotic letters when Rohm had went to Bolivia.
Ernst Rohm Shot In His Prison Cell
Started 1934-07-01Ended 1934-07-01
Rohm was kept in his cell at Stadelheim prison for a couple of days after the initial arrest. Finally on July 1st a gun with a single bullet was placed in his cell and he was told he had ten minutes to shoot himself before the guards did it for him - to which he replied that if Hitler wanted him dead he could come and shoot him himself.
After the alloted time was up Michael Lippert and Theodor Eicke returned to the cell where they unloaded their revolvers into Rohm whom was standing bear-chested in defiance.
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