Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
As a few companions were sitting with me one evening, we debated in turn voluntary parenthood, voluntary motherhood, the new motherhood, constructive generation, and new generation. The terms already in use - Neo-Malthusianism, Family Limitation, and Conscious Generation seemed stuffy and lacked popular appeal... We tried population control, race control, and birth rate control. Then someone suggested 'drop the rate.' Birth control was the answer. - Margaret Higgins Sanger

Max Rostock

Nazi SS who lead the eradication of the village Lidice in Czechoslovakia.

Max Rostock
In Retaliation To Heydrich’s Assassination Nazi SS Exterminate Entire Town Of Lidice
Started 1942-06-09Ended 1942-06-09
To make an example of the town Heydrich was assassinated in the Nazis rounded up all the men totaling 172 and shot them along with 7 women. 184 other women were sent to concentration camps while the remaining 98 children were relocated. Then the SS proceeded to blow up and burn every standing building leaving the town a burning decimation.
Max Rostock Hanged In Prague For Nazi War Crimes
For the atrocities of Lidice Max Rostock is hanged.
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