Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
The affirmative task we have now is to actually create a <strong>New World Order</strong>, because the global order is changing again, and the institutions and the rules that worked so well in the post world war II era for decades need to be strengthened and some have to be changed. - Joseph Biden

Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich

High ranking SA officer. He was also known as “the Hangman”.

Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich
Birth 1904-03-07Death 1942-06-04
Reinhard Heydrich Is Ejected From German Navy For Allegations Of Impregnating A Woman Without Marrying Her
Heydrich received a dishonorable discharge from the German Navy because a woman alleged that he had made her pregnant under the promise that he would marry her. He then turned around an engaged another woman.
Gregor Strasser Shot To Death In A Prison Cell
Started 1934-06-30Ended 1934-06-30
Strasser is placed under arrest in front of his family, and taken to a local jail. There the SS men that arrested him placed him in a cell where they began shooting him. A major artery was ruptured and he bled out

Heydrich was at the prison watching it happen where he made a snide comment about letting the pig bleed to death.
Heydrich’s Czech Assassins Parachute Into Czechoslovakia
Started 1941-12-28Ended 1941-12-28
Two Czech soldiers that accepted the mission to assassinate Heydrich - the Nazi ruler over Czechoslovakia parachute into the country from a bomber.
Heydrich Mortally Wounded By Bomb Thrown Under His Car
Started 1942-05-27Ended 1942-05-27
After studying Heydrich’s non-changing daily routs Josef Gabcik, and Jan Kubis make the attack. Gabcik jumped in front of Heydrich’s car and tried to shoot him, but his gun jammed. Heydrich stands and tries to shoot Gabcik but is stopped short by Kubis throwing a bomb under the car that exploded throwing shrapnel into Heydrich and Kubis. Heydrich’s was mortally wounded and died three days later.
Heydrich’s Assassins Found In Church With Other Czech Resistance And Killed
Started 1942-07-18Ended 1942-07-18
The Nazis given information from a defector tracked down Heydrich’s two assassins. The SS surrounded the church and opened fire killing Kubis, Gabcik and approximately 100 other members of the resistance were killed.
In Retaliation To Heydrich’s Assassination Nazi SS Exterminate Entire Town Of Lidice
Started 1942-06-09Ended 1942-06-09
To make an example of the town Heydrich was assassinated in the Nazis rounded up all the men totaling 172 and shot them along with 7 women. 184 other women were sent to concentration camps while the remaining 98 children were relocated. Then the SS proceeded to blow up and burn every standing building leaving the town a burning decimation.


Schutzstaffel SS - SturmFuhrer-SS (Lieutenant)
Initiated 1931-06-04
Schutzstaffel SS - Standartenfuhrer-SS (Colonel)
Czechoslovakia - Acting Rich Protector
Retired 1942-06-04
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