Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
Jehovah, having been responsible for our creation, was loathe to bring us to the trials that would make us grow through adversity. Instead, He provided man with a superabundance of readily gathered food in a subtropical climate. That Was Eden ... Even though the passing millennia demonstrated that man was not learning ... Jehovah and His followers clung to Their altristic experiment. <strong>Those other Angles who differed with Jehovah finally took matters into Their own hands and set about to destroy Eden. This was done under the leadership of the great Angel, Lucifer, to whom we owe the advantages of our present advancement.</strong> - Richard G. Kieninger

William Green

Former president of the American Federation of Labor.

William Green
Anti-Nazi Rally At Madison Square Garden
Started 1933-03-27Ended 1933-03-27
The anti-Nazi rally lead by Rabbi Stephen Wise was a success. It completely filled Madison Square Gardens twenty thousand capacity, and spilled out side of the venue by an estimated thirty five thousand.

Other rallies were held in the United States, and around the world.

Rabbi M. S. Margolies
Catholic and former governor Alfred E. Smith
Methodist Episcopal Church Bishop Francis T. McConnell
Union head William Green
John Haynes Holmes
Senator Robert Wagner
Jewish Writer Samuel Margoshes
Jewish Activist Joseph Tenenbaum
Zionist Chaim Greenberg
National Labor Relations “Wagner” Act
Bill passed to protect people’s right to join a union.


American Federation of Labor - President
United Mine Workers - International Statistician
United Mine Workers - International Secretary-Treasurer
American Federation of Labor - Executive Council
American Federation of Labor - Secretary-Treasurer
National Recovery Administration - Labor Advisory Council
Appointed by then president Franklin D. Roosevelt.
National Labor Board - Member
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