Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
I went to one [snuff party], one time I seen some really bad shit .. I think they, They actually killed people there and stuff ... they pay up to a hundred thousand big ones to see people get... I’m not kidding. I went to another one where literally I saw like the grossest - I wanted to throw up - Ralph Rieckermann

Leopold von Hoesch

German ambassador to Britain.

Leopold von Hoesch
Rosenbluth Leads Zionist Team to London To Enforce Göring’s Demands.
Started 1933-03-27Ended 1933-03-27
On the demand of Göring the German Jewish leaders go the London to stop the stop the anti-German boycott. The group was lead by Martin Rosenbluth, and also included Richard Lichtheim, and Ludwing Tietz.

Once in the Zionist headquarters they along with other British Zionist’s mad a phone call to rabbi Wise in the United States to get him to stop the Madison Square Garden protest which he declined to do.

When the group did what Göring asked they met with German ambassador Leopold von Hoesch who asked them to confront Rufus Isaacs the Lord of Reading. Isaacs was going to resign in protest of the Third Reich treatment of Jews, but Hitler did not want the bad press. The group was able to get Isaacs to delay his resignation by two weeks, but he still vented his frustrations in parliament a few hours later.
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