Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and the ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of the sheep against the practice of eating mutton. - Bertrand Russell

Abraham Lincoln

16th President of the United States. Assassinated in a theater not long after issuing currency over private banks.

Abraham Lincoln
Birth 1809-02-12Death 1865-04-15
President Lincoln Banishes Vallandigham From The United States
Started 1863-05-19Ended 1863-05-24
Vallandigham was held at Fort Warren for two weeks after being found guilty in a military tribunal for free-speech. During this time President Lincoln decided to banish Vallandigham from the Union states. On the twenty fourth he was pushed across Confederate lines.
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