Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
The rise of the Christian Church broke up the intellectual pattern of the classical pagan world. By persecution of this pattern’s ideologies it drove the secret societies into greater secrecy; the pagan intellectuals then reclothed their original ideas in a garment of Christian phraseology, but bestowed the keys of the symbolism only upon those duly initiated and bound to secrecy by their vows. - Manly Palmer Hall

Clement Laird Vallandigham

Former Supreme Commander of the Sons of Liberty - also known as the Knights of the Golden Circle.

Clement Laird Vallandigham
Birth 1820-07-29Death 1871-06-17
Vallandigham The Leader of Sons Of Liberty Arrested
Started 1863-05-05Ended 1863-05-06
Vallandigham was arrested while at home in Dayton Ohio. From there he was taken to Cincinnati and tried by Military Commission. He was found guilty for “Using Seditious Language in Public Speeches” [Stidger], they held him at Fort Warren after the trial.
President Lincoln Banishes Vallandigham From The United States
Started 1863-05-19Ended 1863-05-24
Vallandigham was held at Fort Warren for two weeks after being found guilty in a military tribunal for free-speech. During this time President Lincoln decided to banish Vallandigham from the Union states. On the twenty fourth he was pushed across Confederate lines.


Knights of the Golden Circle - Supreme Commander
Initiated 1864-02-22
The order changed its name from the Order of American Knights to the Sons of Liberty in the same meeting Vallandigham took this position.
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