Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
We have wonderful new races of horses, cows, and pigs. Why should we not have a new and improved race of men? - John Harvey Kellogg

Henry F. Kalfus

Union Civil War officer, 15th Kentucky Infantry.

Henry F. Kalfus
Major Henry Kalfus Dishonorably Discharged For Renouncing President Lincoln For Freeing Slaves
After three times of sending in request to be discharged the army requests his reasons for needing to leave. His reason was that he did not wish “to further participate in a war of which the ultimate result was to be the freedom of the negro” [Stidger].

In response Kalfus was striped of his rank, his shoulder straps cut off, put under arrest, and lead away at the point of a bayonet.
Felix Stidger Accepts Mission To Infiltrate The Sons of Liberty Order
Started 1864-05-04Ended 1864-05-05
Stidger was dropping off intelligence report on rebel guerrillas to Captain Jones when Jones gives him a letter. The letter is from General Carrington stating that a treasonous order called the Sons of Liberty were planing to setup lodges in the state of Kentucky. The man leading the charge was Doctor William Bowles. The Secret Service was wanting to infiltrate and get information on this group, and Jones asks Stidger if he would be interested. Jones gives Stidger one month to make contact with Bowles and accumulate some info - if he failed to gain any knowledge Stidger would be let go.

After accepting the mission Stidger was briefed on the little data the Secret Service had on the group and sent on his way to gain access to the order.

Jones gave the job to Stidger based on a reference from John Terrell the day before (the 4th)
Felix Stidger Finds Out The Traitor Dr. Kalfus Is Member Of The Sons Of Liberty
Started 1864-05-13Ended 1864-05-13
Stidger knowing that Henry Kalfus’ was dishonorably discharged from the Union army as a traitor for denouncing president Lincoln and the president’s mission to free the black population there was a good chance Kalfus would already be apart of the Sons of Liberty.

Stidger meets with Kalfus, Stidger says that he was able to discharge him self from the Union army for the same reason Kalfus did (even though he did it for his dying mother’s sake). Stidger also goes on to talk about this order that he had joined that was against blacks being free. Kalfus probes Stidger to confirm he has obtained degrees in the order, and then reveals him self to be a member of the Sons of Liberty also, and how much he likes it.
Felix Stidger Witnesses An Initiation Into The Second Degree Of The Sons Of Liberty
Started 1864-05-24Ended 1864-05-24
Once back in Louisville Stidger goes to see Dr. Kalfus. Since Kalfus thought that Stidger was already a high level member of the Sons of Liberty Kalfus preformed an initiation of the second degree to another member. In fact Stidger had never took any oath to the order, but was now privy to the “secrets” of the second degree.
Felix Stidger Watches Sons Of Liberty Initiation To First Degree
Started 1864-05-17Ended 1864-05-18
Stidger having convinced Kalfus that he was a higher level member of the Sons of Liberty preformed an initiation ceremony in front of Stidger. In fact Stidger had never taken any oath to the order, and the only info he had was given to him by the Secret Service, or gleaned from other high powered order members that though he was initiated.
Stidger Delivers Private Message To Judge Bullitt
Started 1864-05-31Ended 1864-05-31
After returning to Louisville Stidger links backup with Doctor Kalfus. Stidger related the information about the “Greek Fire” to Kalfus, and then stated he had a private message from Doctor Bowles to give to Judge Bullitt, and asked if Kalfus could arrange a meeting in the near future. Kalfus sensing the message was urgent insisted Stidger meet the Judge as soon as possible. The two set out to find Judge Bullitt where they eventually find him in a bar. Stidger tells Bullitt in private about Andrew Humphreys accepting a Union Brigadier General position, and to take military leadership when the Order uprising was to occur.
Order To Murder Union Spy “Coffin” Given By Sons Of Liberty
Started 1864-06-02Ended 1864-06-02
On the second day of the job some members of the Sons of Liberty came to Stidger’s new office. Members included B.B. Piper, Doctor Chambers, Dent W. C. Whips, Doctor Kalfus, and Judge Bullitt. During the conversation it was brought up that a certain member of the order that went by the name of “Coffin” was a Union spy. Judge Bullitt gives Stidger a check for twenty five dollars, and tells him to go see Doctor Bowles and tell him that this man Coffin “is a Yankee Spy” and since Boweles let him into the order he needed to have Coffin “murdered”.


Knights of the Golden Circle - Grand Secretary of Kentucky
Retired 1864-06-01
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