Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
Lenin had the almost unique privilege of actually constructing his Utopia in a great and powerful State; he was the nearest approach known to history to Plato's philosopher king. The fact that the result is unsatisfactory is, I think, mainly due to intellectual errors on the part of Marx and Lenin--errors which remain intellectual although they have emotional source in the dictatorial character of the two men. - Bertrand Russell

Joshua Fry Bullitt

Judge in Kentucky, High ranking official of the Knights of the Golden Circle - Sons of Liberty.

Joshua Fry Bullitt
Birth 1831-02-22Death 1898-02-16
Top Sons Of Liberty Officals Meet To Call Special Meeting
Started 1864-05-25Ended 1864-05-28
Dr. Bowles went to Indianapolis to meet with heads (Grand Commanders) of the Sons of Liberty from surrounding states.

Among the attendees were Harrison Dodd the Grand Commander of Indiana, State Supreme Chief Justice Joshua Bullitt the Grand Commander of Kentucky, and James Barrett of Missouri. The men pledged men from their prospective states to help the rebel troops. This is also where they called the special meeting for the fourteenth of June.

This intelligence was gathered by admissions of Dr Bowles to Felix Stidger when Bowles arrived back in Salem.
General William Sherman Recomends Joshua Bullitt As Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Kentucky
Started 1861-11-02Ended 1861-11-02
Major General William Sherman writes a letter of recommendation for Joshua Bullitt. The recommendation was for Bullitt to sit on the Kentucky Supreme Court. In the letter Sherman states that Bullitt was a loyal Union man who was best suited to take care of the rebellious elements (Confederates) in the state. Bullitt was a high level Knights of the Golden Circle member i.e. pro Confederate.
Stidger Delivers Private Message To Judge Bullitt
Started 1864-05-31Ended 1864-05-31
After returning to Louisville Stidger links backup with Doctor Kalfus. Stidger related the information about the “Greek Fire” to Kalfus, and then stated he had a private message from Doctor Bowles to give to Judge Bullitt, and asked if Kalfus could arrange a meeting in the near future. Kalfus sensing the message was urgent insisted Stidger meet the Judge as soon as possible. The two set out to find Judge Bullitt where they eventually find him in a bar. Stidger tells Bullitt in private about Andrew Humphreys accepting a Union Brigadier General position, and to take military leadership when the Order uprising was to occur.
Order To Murder Union Spy “Coffin” Given By Sons Of Liberty
Started 1864-06-02Ended 1864-06-02
On the second day of the job some members of the Sons of Liberty came to Stidger’s new office. Members included B.B. Piper, Doctor Chambers, Dent W. C. Whips, Doctor Kalfus, and Judge Bullitt. During the conversation it was brought up that a certain member of the order that went by the name of “Coffin” was a Union spy. Judge Bullitt gives Stidger a check for twenty five dollars, and tells him to go see Doctor Bowles and tell him that this man Coffin “is a Yankee Spy” and since Boweles let him into the order he needed to have Coffin “murdered”.


Knights of the Golden Circle - Grand Commander of Kentucky
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