Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
My comment about the machines winning the war is partly a joke, but we’ve accidentally already put so much in place that we can’t get rid of from our lives. Once we have machines doing our high-level thinking, there’s so little need for ourselves and you can’t ever undo it - you can never turn them off.<br /> - Stephen Gary Wozniak

John F. Lehman

Banker, and former Secretary of the Navy.

John F. Lehman
Birth 1942-09-14
John Lehman Gives Non-Public Info Out In Bohemian Grove Speech
In a speech given at Bohemian Grove entitled “Smart Weapons” Lehman states that the Pentagon estimates that 200,000 Iraqis were killed by United States and allies during the Gulf War. This was not public information at the time.


Bohemian Grove - Member
Attended - July 1991
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